Jul 17, 2009

What Is On Page Optimization?

On page Optimization (On Site SEO) is the process of optimizing the content of your website. This includes the text, images ,links and few HTML Coding on your website. Anything uploaded to your site's domain is considered on page.

Components of On Page Optimization

There are some key factors of on page SEO. One of the most important factors is keyword density. Keyword density is given as a percentage. The percent value represents the number of times a keyword or phrase appears compared to the total number of words on a page. Other on page factors includes the total amount of index able text a page has as well as the usage of bold text and headings.

Meta Tags

To properly optimize a page it is necessary to add the proper tags to the page. This includes adding ALT tags to images. ALT tags are short and description and will show up when a user disable to see the image. Other tags include Meta tags like keywords and descriptions both used by spiders to return relevant search results.


The title tag is one of the most important factors in achieving high search engine rankings by on page optimization. A title tag is a piece of HTML code that describes a specific web pages content through a keyword query that a person types into a search engine. Title Tags are a very important guide for all search engines in determining what is in the content of a specific web page. Creating a relevant title tag is one of the most important variables in achieving high search engine positioning. Title tags should contain relevant keywords used to describe that about the page.

Jul 16, 2009

What is an Off page Optimization?

SEO page optimization includes both on-page and off-page optimization. There's a big difference between the two and you should not rely on one at the expense of the other. Off page (Off Site) optimization are strategies for search engine optimization that are done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the page content.
Off page search engine optimization consists in optimizing all the factors not dependent on a page that are important for search engine visibility (getting a high position for a “Service” or “Services” in Search Engine Results Pages). Off page search engine optimization is supposedly the complement of On Page (On Site) Optimization. The main factors in off page optimization are the External Links (back links) in other website page to your page. The figure shows the relative place of what is usually called off-page optimization in the totality of Search Engine Optimization factors.
One thing you can see from the figure is the "off page" is generally a misnomer. What most search engine "experts" describe as "off page" optimization is off site optimization. There are optimizations to be done in the Web site that can help any and all pages - these are discussed in Website SEO design factors. A second thing that the diagram hints at, is that the links from a page. As well as links to a page, are important in determining how well it will rank for a topic in search engines.

How to achieve Off-Page Optimization

The most important strategy for off page optimization is getting links to the page from other Websites and linking to the page within your Website to turn it into a doorway page or portal. The best links are those that you get from high ranked (highest Google Page Rank) Websites and Web pages. Links that come from paid directories, link farms or pages with 0 Page Rank will not help much.

Links should contain appropriate Anchor Text and should preferably come from relevant Web pages. A link to the page that just gives the URL or a link that says "Click Here" may help increase the authority of the page, but it won't raise the position of the page very much in search results for keyword. If several different keywords are used to link to a page after it attained a high position for one keyword, the new links do not seem to detract from the positioning for the original keyword. If you are thinking of sabotaging competition by linking to them with an irrelevant keyword, don't do it.
Sources of external links include: Your own Affiliate websites or web logs, link exchanges with related sites, directories, unsolicited links from other people's websites, social networking Web sites (facebook, mixx, twitter, digg, tumbleupon) forums and comments in any Web logs. Because of the way the Google Page Rank algorithm works, it is best to get links from high ranking websites and web pages. It is better to get links from many different sources, but internal repeating links within your own Web site are counted as well.

How Importance of off-page optimization

At one time it was thought that for Google at least, off page optimization got a weight as high as 80% relative to on-page optimization. It clearly did have more importance three years ago. However, the algorithm was quickly abused by people who created thousands of links to irrelevant Web pages ("Google Bombing"). A gambling site might, for example, latch on to a popular keyword like "warez" and generate a lot of links for "warez" that would link to their exploitation Website. That is one species of Black Hat SEO. Another sort of abuse was linking a phrase such as "complete failure" to a page about Barack Obama or another politician. Google started looking a bit more at page content and also instituted specific filters that would check low probability phrases in anchor text. However, off page optimization is still very important.

Jul 12, 2009

what is Sandbox_Effect

The Sandbox (a.k.a. Sandboxing or the sandbox effect or the Google penalty) is a phenomenon that people have claimed to observe in the ranking of web pages that is performed by Google. It is the subject of much debate

The phenomenon that people have claimed to observe is that Google temporarily reduces the page rank of new domains, placing them into what is referred to as its "sandbox", in an effort to counter the ways that search engine optimizers attempt to manipulate Google's page ranking to bring sites to the top, by creating lots of inbound links to a new web site from other web sites that they own before creating that web site. A "reverse sandbox" effect is also claimed to exist, whereby new pages with good content but without inbound links are temporarily increased in rank, much like the "New Releases" in a book store are displayed more prominently, to encourage organic building of the World Wide Web.

Jul 6, 2009

Who can get Higher rank??

Nowadays all search engines are enough smart so its not easy to getting top.
Despite Google’s dominant position in the search industry, the internet giant’s decision makers insist that search is not a “solved problem,” and that there is still much room for improvement.

SEO Information

Why Search Engine Optimization ?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Typically, the earlier a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a web site web presence.fdf.